If you think that you can ever frame a perfect set of rules to control children, you are mistaken. Give them maximum freedom for that is the real way to control them. Various tricks have to be employed at the appropriate time to bring children under control. A kid with lots of anger is a problem. It indeed reflects lots of stress and frustration in the child.
If you think that you can ever frame a perfect set of rules to control children, you are mistaken. Give them maximum freedom for that is the real way to control them. Various tricks have to be employed at the appropriate time to bring children under control. A kid with lots of anger is a problem. It indeed reflects lots of stress and frustration in the child.
To help child manage his stress, it is necessary first to locate the source of its negative emotions. The question of management arises when you know what exactly is to be managed.
It is wrong to suppress the feelings of child, positive or negative, with force. Every age has some special activities related to it. Let the child enjoy his age. Childhood arrives, but once in a lifetime. In your life time and his life time!
Now, the question arise how to help child manage the stress? You can manage the anger and frustration of child gradually. Find out the stressors and act accordingly. The child must be taught what needs to be watched and monitored to debar stress. Reward the good deeds and punish the bad ones.
But then, punishing the children is not an easy task. Therefore, you find the parents especially the mothers on the look out and she is ever ready to accept revised suggestions from the experienced elders, educators and community leaders. Children will be children. What matters is how do you handle them during those moments of outbursts. Notwithstanding all the latitude that you show, the child needs to know that you mean discipline and that you will implement it with lots of strictness.
There is a special method to handle them. By experience, you know what are the routine problems of your child. With force being ruled out, diplomacy and tact should be your tools to achieve the objective. Listen to them patiently, let them empty their complaint basket first. And give them the appropriate suggestions to solve these problems.
Let the child know when you will love them and when they are likely to be punished.
Parenting teens is no ordinary challenge. Many a times you become frustrated and you yourself need stress management tips. This is the crucial time, when children spend most of the time in your company and their ideal and idol are you. You need to set a perfect example regarding any matter, so that they can emulate you!
Friday, April 6, 2007
How To Help A Child With Stress
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5:04 PM
Great Success Tip: A U-niversal And U-seful Truth For U To Keep In Mind
“Born an original” is one of the topics I’m more passionate about. That’s because I’m afraid people don’t really appreciate that fact. They “know it” at the intellectual level, but they don’t “get it” at the gut level. They don’t grasp the full meaning of it.
“Born an original” is one of the topics I’m more passionate about. That’s because I’m afraid people don’t really appreciate that fact. They “know it” at the intellectual level, but they don’t “get it” at the gut level. They don’t grasp the full meaning of it.
Ugo Betti did when he wrote “When I say ‘I’, I mean a thing absolutely unique, not to be confused with any other.”
Not only were you born an original, but if we take into consideration and add to the package your habits, and tastes, and idiosyncrasies, and adventures, and experiences, and talents-skills-&-abilities, and … etc., we uncover a unique individual. You are THE ONLY YOU, the one and only, not just presently, but since the dawn of time.
Out of the billions of people* that have come and gone, there is not and has never been, another you. And there never will be, even if we could travel in time to the year 50,000. That makes you, and me, and each of us, SPECIAL. Unique, and special. That’s what Wally Amos wrote in Watermelon Magic: “Each of us is unique and special. No two sets of fingerprints are the same. So enjoy and appreciate your uniqueness. You are a priceless collector’s item.”
That’s what you are; a collector’s item, an original masterpiece, NOT a paint-by-number reproduction, not a “copy.” So please, I implore you, don’t die a copy, and don’t live like one in the interval.
Trust me on this one, I know it’s hard to march to your own music, do your own thing your own way, but you must do your very best to do so! It’s your assignment here on planet Earth. As Zig Ziglar wrote, “You are the only one who can use your talents and abilities; it is an awesome responsibility.”
On this topic, e.e. Cummings wrote, “To be nobody but yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight,and never stop fighting.
In Julius Caesar, Marc Antony urged his contemporaries to “Keep your friends close to you. Keep your enemies even closer.” For me, the worst enemy I have is the cookie-cutter, the tool used to make everything the same. As an author, a network marketer, and an internet marketer in a very competitive market, that same-old, same-old would spell “disaster.” And as a person, that would spell “boring.” I just can’t have that.
So, like Marc Antony, I keep my worst enemy really close. I have a cookie-cutter hanging from the ceiling over my worktable—when I write, it’s dangling in front of me, inches from my face. When I go out to places where I’ll interact with people, I take it with me, carrying it in my pocket so it’s always near. It is a constant reminder to not be like everybody else, but to be ME. To not conform, to not think, talk, shop or buy like everyone else. I love that question posed in a Jewish folk song; “If I am like someone else, who will be like me?”
Ralph Waldo Emerson sure agreed with this when he wrote; “Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life’s cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous half-expression.”
My reader friend, let me reiterate something Useful for U to keep in mind. It is a Universal truth on which all the biologists and psychologists agree Unanimously, and say to U in Unison: U, my friend, are Unique in the Universe! It’s a fact. Therefore, Uniqueness and originality are the order of the day, and Uniformity is out! U are not a Unidimensional being, but a multi-faceted one, with many Usable skills and talents. So Unite those gifts with your many creative thoughts and Use all U’ve got to come up with something special and unUsual. And U’ve got plenty. There’s no need for U to Usurp other people’s ideas, or try to emUlate them. Just be U!
I’d like to make a recommendation, if I may. I’ll use “we, us, our” so it’s not just for the reader, but for myself as well. Let our lives not be a painting-by-numbers, but let it be an Irises by Van Gogh, or maybe the label of a soup can by Andy Warhol. It doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s U-nique. Let our lives not be like generic elevator “musak,” but let’s make sure it’s more like Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, Mozart’s Die Zauberflote, Pachelbel’s Canon in D, Dave Brubeck’s Take Five, or The Who’s Baba O’Riley,
Let’s create something that is U-nique. Let our passage on earth be a masterpiece so that when we leave here to go to the next realm, we can look back at our life and see an exquisite canvas in a big beautiful ornate frame and say “Wow! Would you look at that! That was ME! That was MY life! I did that. I painted that. Wasn’t I something?"
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4:37 PM
12 Steps To Turbo-charge Your Visualisation
1. Every night, half an hour before retiring, go to your room, where you can be entirely alone and as remote as possible from noise and distraction.
2. Seat yourself in a wide and comfortable chair, or, better still, lie down on your back at full length. See that your clothing is loosened, so that you will suffer no distressing annoyance on this account. Compose yourself as if for sleep, assuming a position of restfulness, abandon and utter relaxation. Close your eyes, letting the lids rest lightly on your cheeks.
1. Every night, half an hour before retiring, go to your room, where you can be entirely alone and as remote as possible from noise and distraction.
2. Seat yourself in a wide and comfortable chair, or, better still, lie down on your back at full length. See that your clothing is loosened, so that you will suffer no distressing annoyance on this account. Compose yourself as if for sleep, assuming a position of restfulness, abandon and utter relaxation. Close your eyes, letting the lids rest lightly on your cheeks.
3. Shut your mind resolutely against every form of bodily sensation. Forget for the time that you are encumbered with a body.
4. Bar out of your consciousness every memory, every thought of the past.
5. Build a mental picture of the thing you want to have, to do or to be - the one thing that you immediately desire first and most of all. By this we mean nothing indefinite. We do not refer to ultimate aims that can come only as the result of long periods of effort. We mean something specific, something that can be yours tomorrow, something that in itself constitutes the next step in your chosen career.
6. See yourself finding the ways and means of realizing your desire, overcoming obstacles one after another, all the obstacles that can possibly arise. See yourself called upon to display, and displaying, alertness, promptness, courage, confidence, resourcefulness, patience, push, enterprise, expert knowledge, insight, shrewdness, tact, self-control, decision. See yourself face to face with the situation that confronts you in real life and manifesting the qualities and doing the things necessary to your purpose. Put yourself body and soul into this picture. Multiply details. Rivet your mind upon it.
7. Advance step by step, logically, wisely, consistently, to the climax of the drama. See yourself winning out. See yourself solving the problem, getting the thing you want, acting the part you desire to play. Detach your spirit from the flesh of this world and incorporate it in the mental image of yourself. Live the victory mentally until a sense of its reality permeates your soul.
8. Make your dream picture as delightful as possible. Dwell upon it with joyful satisfaction. Warm your heart with a feeling of thankfulness that that which you have so long desired is really yours. This feeling of gratitude, this emotional element, will bring forth associations that will give life to the picture and will animate your faith. Keep yourself tight shut in this dream world for at least fifteen minutes.
9. Arise and make your preparations for the night. Then upon retiring once more close your eyes and let your mind dwell upon your vision for five or ten minutes or until you fall asleep. Let it be the last thing in your thoughts as you become unconscious.
10. Every time you are awake during the night call the mental picture before you and keep it in consciousness as long as you remain awake.
11. In the morning, immediately upon awaking, repeat the procedure set out in the third, fourth and fifth instructions.
12. The more of your spare time you spend in this way, the more promptly will you actualize your ideals. By repeated concentration, every detail of the image of your desire will be so deeply engraved upon your mind as to exert an influence throughout the day. It will inhibit wasteful emotions and impulses. It will give you poise and self-possession. It will so inspire you with its promise as to awaken an energizing response in the profoundest depths of your subconsciousness.
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4:34 PM
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Meditation for Reducing Stress
Meditation is an ancient tradition which enables the practitioner to reduce stress and increase his-her sense of inner well being. Meditation works by reducing our attachment to our thoughts. By being able to switch off from our daily activities and thoughts we can reduce our stress levels and over time experience a sense of inner peace.
Meditation is an ancient tradition which enables the practitioner to reduce stress and increase his-her sense of inner well being. Meditation works by reducing our attachment to our thoughts. By being able to switch off from our daily activities and thoughts we can reduce our stress levels and over time experience a sense of inner peace.
Stress occurs because we have many pressures on our time. These demands can come from; work, family, friends and financial pressures. We get stressed because we feel it is difficult to cope. As a consequence we can spend a lot of time thinking about our problems. However thinking about the magnitude and scale of our problems doesn’t help us to reduce our stress levels. In fact thinking can make the situation worse. We just feel confused and helpless about our myriad problems.
Meditation can help Reduce Stress in various ways.
1. In Meditation we make a concerted effort to remain only in the present instance. In meditation we are not thinking about the past or the future.
2. Meditation teaches us to control and reduce our thoughts. When we live in the mind and are constantly thinking, it is impossible to have real peace of mind. However through meditation we can elevate our consciousness beyond the realm of the thinking mind. By meditating on our heart we feel that we are not the slave of our thoughts.
3. Meditation with meditative music can be a very effective way of reducing our feelings of stress and worry. Meditative music embodies the qualities of meditation and inner peace. When we listen to the right kind of meditative music it is much easier to dive deep within and forget the problems of the world
4. Meditation and Breathing. A significant aspect of meditation is that we focus very carefully on our breathing. We allow our breathing to become soft, natural and rhythmic. By focusing on our breath we can have very good meditation. Our breathing is very important for affecting our levels of stress. When our breathing slows down it helps the mind to calm down; our worries and anxieties soon leave.
Meditation can definitely help us to reduce our levels of stress. However to get the most benefit we need to practise regularly. If at first it seems difficult to control our thoughts, we need to persevere. We can also try meditating with music for meditation. Through repeated practise we can discover the very important art of reconnecting with our inner self. When we can do this stress will significantly reduce
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2:45 PM
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
If You Want To Be Successful Then You Have To Get Out Of The Way
Trying to force success can actually prevent it. Successful people learn the art of getting into the right river and then going with the flow. If you fight the natural laws of success then no matter how hard you try you will not become successful.
Trying to force success can actually prevent it. Successful people learn the art of getting into the right river and then going with the flow. If you fight the natural laws of success then no matter how hard you try you will not become successful.
Set the Right Goal for Your Own Happiness
When you set a goal make sure that it is a goal that you want to achieve not a goal that you are setting because someone else thinks it is a good idea. Ask yourself if achieving that goal will really enhance your life or not. For example, so many people end up in a profession that they don't like because they are following their parents' goal or their teacher's goal for their life.
Look at the goals that you have set in the past and see if there is a pattern of setting goals that you truly want or if you have been setting other peoples' goals.
Start Working Toward Your Goal Immediately Whether You Are Ready to or Not
The worse thing you can do is not to start working toward that goal immediately that you set it. If you are waiting until you are prepared then you are trying to force the goal and you are fighting against nature.
Just start. Follow your intuition and do whatever comes into your mind as a starting step. You can refine what you are doing as you go. If however you try to preplan the entire process then you are not allowing the flexibility required to respond to what is actually happening in the world. Forcing it doesn't work. The best way to start is to just start.
Have Total Faith that You Will Achieve Your Goal
Have total faith that the universe will provide you with all the opportunity that you need in order to achieve your goal. Have total faith that your goal will actually become a reality for you.
Most people don't really believe that they will get their goals; they hope that they will get them. Hope will not do it. Hope is not enough. In fact hope is the worst thing that you can have, because when you hope for something there is always an underlying belief that it won't actually happen.
Hope is a belief that you will have to go against all probability in order to achieve it. People hope that they will win money but they don't. People hope that their life will get better but it doesn't. People hope that they will meet mister or miss right but they never do.
Develop faith by spending 5 to 10 minutes, 3 times each day, building an image in your mind of you actually living your goal.
Open Your Mind to Receiving Guidance and Help
Keep your mind open to the idea that the opportunities that you will need are going to show up in your life. Then when the opportunity does come along make sure that you take it. Learn to recognize what opportunity actually looks like. Realize that sometimes opportunity comes to you disguised as a problem or difficulty.
Keep your mind open to the idea that the teachers you need will show up in your life and when they do make sure that you learn from them. Accept that you may have to pay for these lessons, you may have to enroll in courses or seminars or coaching or mentoring. You may have to buy and read books or buy and listen to audio programs.
Observe the Outcomes of Your Activity
Follow your intuition but keep an eye on what the outcomes of your actions are. If the outcomes are not taking you closer to your goals then modify your actions. As I said earlier, each step along the road to success cannot be preplanned. Take your step and they see where it is taking you. You may wander to the left or to the right of the correct path but if you keep your eyes open then you won't go far off track before you make a course correction.
In Conclusion
Remember and use this five step formula; set the right goals, start working toward them immediately, have total faith that you will achieve them, keep your mind open to guidance and help, and observe your outcomes.
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3:09 PM