by:mick madigan
You and I know no one can be totally successful. But continual failure in personal goal planning on or off the PC, will inevitably make you more and more frustrated and disappointed.
Who needs that? When all you have to do is follow the 8 steps:
Step 1: The first important thing in goal setting is do something as opposed to nothing, and get started NOW. By placing time limits on your goals, you motivate yourself to get started and allowing yourself the best chance to succeed. Just remember that you can adjust your goal setting time frames whenever you see fit.
Step 2: Decide what your goals are in any situation, are they worthwhile, and if they are achievable. Don't be afraid to dream a little, and rest assured the more practice at personal goal planning you get, the bigger the likelihood of you reaching all the goals you set. Then write down your short and long term goals, whether they are on or off the PC.
Step 3: Most of us fail to in setting and achieving goals because we think we 'don't have enough time'. So in the end, the major part of effective goal setting comes down to how effective your time management is. But 'time management' means actually we must be able to balance our time in the best way possible in order to achieve our goals. Check how time passes with reminders, audible and visible alarms and pop ups - anything to keep you productive and not just daydreaming.
Step 4: Break each goal down into several smaller goals which will make this process easier. In each step evaluated the obstacles that may stop you moving on and decide how they can be overcome or avoided.
Step 5: Take some time for quality research and education. Set performance goals and time limits here too! Surf, read, chat - but keep your enquiries to the point. Keep understandable notes throughout, including links and your own revevant thoughts as they come.
Step 6: No matter what you do, dont expect to eliminate every trace of uncertainty from goal setting activity. It isn't cast in stone.. A little stress should fire up your determination and flexibility, which you need particuliarly in the ever changing Internet universe! Keep moving!
Step 7: Evaluate your progress as often as needed. If this is a big goal it may take years, but stay motivated! Review your progress daily, weekly, or at any other interval you feel comfortable with, but as often as you need to determine if your program is working and moving forward. If you're not not progressing on a particular goal, you may have to re-evaluate your approach and make changes as necessary.
Step 8: Another personal goal plan has succeeded! On to the next one...
OK, you may struggle a little at first. Maybe once or twice, fall back into your old sloppy ways. But remember...people who are able to use goal setting effectively concentrate and focus better. They show more self-confidence, suffer less from stress and anxiety, perform better at whatever they attempt, and are happier and more satisfied with life. Now isn't that worth a little investment in effort?
Set your goals for a happy life and healthy computing from 2006 into the future!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Eight Steps To Successful Goal Setting On And Off Your PC
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10:40 AM
Five Key Tips to a Super Powerful Memory
by:SA Easton
Are you constantly forgetting things? If you're like most people, then you probably said yes. And as we all know, the older we get, the worse our memory seems to become.
Can you do anything about it? Of course you can!
If you want to have a more powerful memory you'll find these tips to be absolutely indispensable.
Memory Tip #1: Being able to focus and use your full attention is essential if you want to give yourself the best chance of remembering something. If possible, make sure your surroundings are as quiet and distraction-free as possible when attempting to memorize something.
Memory Tip #2: Being interested in what you're trying to memorize is definitely an asset. If you don't have any immediate interest in the subject matter, focus on the benefits you will gain by remembering it.
For example, you'll pass that exam, which will give you the best shot at a good job, and your girlfriend or boyfriend will think well of you. This will give you the motivation to put your full attention on what you want to memorize.
Memory Tip #3: Use some creativity. Conjure up some vivid mind pictures linked to what it is you need to remember. This is a technique used by all the professionals who entertain us with their amazing memory feats.
Here's a quick example. Suppose you are trying to memorize a shopping list. You need to buy a new hat and this is item ten on your list. Ten rhymes with hen. Imagine a hen wearing the most outrageous hat you can think of. Make the picture big, bright and bold. If you do this correctly you certainly won't forget to buy that hat!
Memory Tip #4: Practice makes perfect in this as in other things. Set yourself memory challenges. It's vitally important that you exercise your memory on a regular basis if you want to see tangible results.
If you really work that memory regularly, you'll soon find that it's better than you think. Think of your memory as being like a muscle. Any muscle that isn't exercised frequently will atrophy due to lack of use. It's the same with your memory. Use will strengthen it, and you'll soon be dazzling your friends and family with your amazing memorizing ability!
Memory Tip #5: Here's another useful tip. Whenever you're studying something really important that you want or need to remember, play some Mozart in the background. Studies have shown that the brain synchronizes itself to sound frequencies it's subjected to. If you need to concentrate, the frequencies found in the music of Mozart are among the best to harmonize the brain.
Use a few of these strategies and watch your memory improve by leaps and bounds.
Posted by
10:15 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Audiobooks can help to improve your life.
by: Jeff Wendland
You may have noticed the rise in popularity of audiobooks of late. Like written books, audiobooks are made in every genre from self help, sci-fi, biographies, religious, thrillers and more. One of the fastest growing genres of audiobooks has been self help and self improvement audiobooks.
Self help audiobooks come in several categories including creativity, health and fitness, interpersonal skills, motivation, personal growth, sex and relationships, stress management, success, time management, and religious titles. There really is a theme of self help audiobooks for everyone's needs.
There are many great creativity titles available. These can include such greats as John C Maxwell�s Thinking for a Change which teaches 11 ways that successful people approach life and work. Another great audio book is titled How to Think Like Einstein by Scott Thorpe which teaches techniques used by Einstein and other geniuses use to expand their mind.
A best selling health and fitness audiobook author is Dr Nicholas Perricone which specializes on how your health can affect how your appearance. There are also great health audiobooks on popular diets like Atkins and the Zone diet.
A very practical audiobook to help with interpersonal skills is 250 Job Interview Questions by Peter Veruki. Veruki's audiobook is a must to prepare anyone who is expecting a job interview or for new college graduates. Another beneficial audiobook to help improve interpersonal skills is How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds by Milo Frank. This audiobooks teaches how to get your point across in 30 seconds and why it is important. And it provides the research to back it up.
One of my favorite motivational audiobooks of all time is The Magic of Thinking Big by Dr. David Schwartz. This classic was written in 1959 and its principles hold true today. Dr. Schwartz teaches that one does not have to be an intellectual or have some kind of a special innate talent to be a success, but what one needs is to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will help you get there.
There are many personal growth audiobooks to choose from. They can come from many different famous peoples perspectives like the Dalai Lama's book The Art of Dying. There are also modern classics like Eckhart Tolle's Gateway to Now.
There are sex and relationship audiobooks from many different perspectives. They can range from authors like the traditionalists Dr. Laura Schlessinger's audiobook 10 Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships, to Sex in the City writer Greg Behrendt's popular book He's Just Not That Into You.
One of the most popular time management audiobooks is Ken Blanchard's The On-Time, On-Target Manager. This is an engaging parable which teaches how to overcome procrastination and increase productivity.
There are also some great religious titles out there like The Purpose Driven Life by Pastor Rick Warren. This inspiring book helps you to figure out who you are and what is God's amazing plan for your life. This is an audiobooks that everyone needs to listen too, even if you are not a Christian.
With there being such a great variety and such quality self help audiobooks out there, it is easy to see why they are such a hit. One of the best things about them is how easy it is to just put them in the CD player or have them loaded to your iPod and then you can listen to them when ever you want. It is also easy to play your audiobook a second and third time to really absorb and learn its lessons.
Today you don�t have to get your audiobooks as books on tape and you don�t have to drive all the way to the mall to buy your audiobook as a CD. Now, the best way to find an audiobook is on the internet. Audiobooks can be downloaded for instant access in mp3 format off of the web. After downloading your audiobook, you can play it on your PC, burn it to a disc, or load it to your iPod or mp3 player. It�s as easy as that. Another great feature is that downloaded audiobooks are at a fraction of the costs of packaged audiobook CD's from the store.
With such a great variety of self help audiobooks, and with downloading audiobooks faster and less expensive then every before, don't you think it's time that you discovered how easy it is improve your live by listening to audiobooks too?
Posted by
10:36 AM
The Three Pillars of Self Confidence
by: joe czarnecki
The search for true self confidence leads all of us in different directions. We all desire the magic pill that will instantly bring us the qualities and personality of someone with true self confidence. Confidence is not something that can be acquired simply by reading multiple self help books. It can not be acquired by taking action one day and then deciding it did not work. It certainly will not be acquired by sitting around imagining yourself with it. True self confidence will only become a fabric of you through repeated education, experience and faith.
The first pillar of self confidence is education. My first instinct to acquiring self confidence was to read books and listen to CDs about it. The next level of education started when I persistently asked those who already had it how they achieved it. I found educating myself through books, CDs and other�s personal experiences immediately gave me the foundation. The most important step in the education process was to only apply my learning to one area of my life. For example, I wanted self confidence in my profession which was sales and marketing. I read books on finding prospects and closing deals. I also asked the most successful marketing and sales professionals how they handled certain situations. Be specific when you start the learning process. We all want self confidence in all areas of our life whether it is relationships, career or physical appearance. Amazingly, once you start to educate yourself in a specific context, you will see that you can apply it to all areas of your life.
The second pillar of self confidence is experience. A more direct way to state this is take action. We have all been guilty of educating ourselves and suddenly realizing we have made a great discovery. The problem that most of us have is once we acquire the information we fail to take action on it. I will be the first to admit this. Do the action that will bring you confidence. If you are in sales and you have a problem closing deals with your prospects, ask for the sale. If you want to ask out some one on a date, simply ask for the date. Remember, the result is not what is important. In the short term, it does not matter if the person says yes or no. If you do get a yes, your self confidence will immediately get a boost. If you get a no, you will gain valuable experience that will help you the next time you ask. Failure is the most important element of experience. Read this sentence again. Those with the greatest self confidence still fail more often in their life than succeed. Accept failure as a stepping stone to unwavering self confidence. The reason is once true self confidence is attained; the mind no longer looks at results as failure but rather opportunity.
The third pillar is faith. Faith is that power that can not be measured like education and experience. Faith is an ingredient, when accepted, that will take you to higher levels not even imagined. I am not talking about blind, unprepared, careless faith. I am talking about educated, prepared and confident faith. True faith will be accomplished when you take action against your fears. You will know when you have real faith because you will thirst the knowledge, experiences and situations you once dreaded. You will no longer fear rejection, embarrassment or failure. Your faith will drive you through these fear thoughts. They will no longer be looked at as barriers but rather simple challenges that will only make you better in the long term.
Remember that all three pillars of self confidence have to be practiced and executed consistently. Faith breeds action. If you don�t believe, you will not take action. Education without experience is useless. If you do not take action, you will not learn. Work on all three pillars simultaneously in your daily life now and take the first step to true self confidence.
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10:27 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
4 Effective "Small Changes-Big Difference" Self Improvement Tips
by:andrew chin
The world today is zooming by and we have to find ways to cope with the speed of changes in order not to be left behind.
The world's population is growing by the minute and the skills that are available via the standard academic channels are replicating at the same rate. Thus, if we want to succeed in this world, we have to engage in any kind of self improvement effort. If we simply go with the flow and not take the initiative to further our personality and skills, chances are, we will not amount to anything, at all.
Just as a book should not be judged by its cover, we wish you read this entire article on self-help before actually making a judgment.
Here are four effective tips that might be of interest to you.
Self-improvement tip 1: Enroll yourself in interesting self help and development classes.
If you really want to stand out, you must have a extra to offer, whether to your personal or business life. Several classes on various topics and activities are available nowadays. Choose those that interest you most, or those that are similar to your chosen career.
Self-improvement tip 2: Maximize all your senses
Learn to listen more carefully, see more clearly and feel more deeply. Initially you will be surprised at this tip, because you do use your five senses daily. However, you will be shocked, upon closer scrutiny, how little you use them. If you learn to be more sensitive to the people around you and your surroundings, the better you will be able to handle life's challenges, whether small or big.
Self-improvement tip 3: Relish your "me" time.
Since a lot of people nowadays focus most of their time and energies on working and making money, "ME" time is probably one of the most precious rewards to yourself. Use your alone time wisely. Reflect on your day, breathe and savour the moment. Try not to waste it on the small stuff and use it to study your life path and see if you are still on the right track. Your alone time is a great time to get yourself back on course.
Self-improvement tip 4: Cherish your relationships.
Man is a social animal, Aristotle (greek philosopher) said. It is inevitable that we socialize. Thus, we must know how to take care of our relationships. Working hard is great, but, remember, money can't buy the kind of happiness that is obtained from healthy human relationships.
Many of us are now enrolling in various self help courses, not just for skills development, like communication skills and career skills, physical development, like Yoga and Boxercise, but also for personality building, like meditation and public speaking. Some people even choose to join groups of people with the same interests, like dancing or singing, to further theirs while trying to pass the time.
All in all, we are always seeking ways to better ourselves, not just to be able to adapt to the changing times, but also to move ahead. Presently, simply having a university degree will not suffice anymore. You have to have something extra to offer in order for you to excel.
There are many ways you can improve yourself. In fact, there is no single and uniform technique for everyone because we all have unique personalities, lives and aspirations. Decide what works best for you and wait for the rewards to come in. We live in a extremely competitive world. We owe it to ourselves to enjoy what career and personal development can bring.
Posted by
11:03 AM
Intuition And How To Make Decisions
by:David Mc Dermott
Everyday life is filled with everyday decisions. From the time you first wake up in the morning until you fall fast asleep at night you will in one way or another be required to make some kind of decision. Some decisions are easy, like deciding what you�re going to wear for the day, while others can be quite difficult, such as deciding if you really have to fire an employee, or making decisions concerning investments.
There�s no getting around it, we all have to make decisions. So why is it harder to make some decisions than others? And why don�t we always go with our intuition? Nine out of ten times our intuition is right. So why are you always saying to yourself, �I should have gone with my intuition?� The fact is, if you followed your intuition you would find that making decisions would be a lot easier.
We all have intuition because we are all born with it. Some people use it, while others do not. The good new is, because we all have it, intuition and how to make decisions is something that can be learned and improved through knowledge, skills, and experience.
You�ve heard the saying �Of sound mind and body�, the more in tune you are both physically and mentally, the more aware you will be with your surroundings, and the easier it will be for you to process information and make better decisions. Here are some ways to become more in tune with your intuition.
Develop your Awareness: By developing an awareness of what is happening not only in your mind, but your body as well, you will be able to use resources from past experiences that will allow you to make better decisions.
Inner Wisdom: Pay attention to those warning signals, the inner alarm bells, or the voice telling you not to, or that gut feeling that urges you to go ahead. These are the very signals that are letting you know what�s best for you.
Inspiration: Sometimes answers will come to you in unusual ways, such as words from a friend or a song on the radio, or maybe something that happened to you or someone you know during the day. Be more aware of what goes on around you, slow down, the answers to decisions you need could be right in front of you.
Fear: Don�t let fear get in the way of following your intuition. Fear is a powerful thing and it keeps us from moving forward both physically and mentally. Learn to trust your intuition. It will guide you to make the decisions that are right for you.
Intuition and how to make decisions does not always come easy. But the more you use your intuition and learn that it can be trusted, it will guide you to a path that will help you make decisions that you thought you could never make before. Learn to trust your intuition because it�s a vital aspect of making excellent decisions.
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10:44 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Secrets about True Success
Contrary to popular opinion, real success is not measured by the amount of our possessions. Simply stated, the truth is that real success -- ultimately the only success -- is determined by how much we are in actual possession of ourselves. And by the light of this great fact of life, we can also see that the person who fears the loss of what he thinks is his success has not truly succeeded. Why is this true? The individual who lives with secret self-defining fears is not a self-possessing person but rather a person possessed, often pushed and punished by his fears.
To see the truth of these findings is to realize the need for a whole new way to succeed in life. And to come upon this new order of success calls to us to search out a totally different path through life, a new path we can climb only by calling on a whole new set of higher actions. We can begin our ascent to securing real success with the following new action:
We must begin the inner work of consciously proving to ourselves that there is nothing to fear, instead of allowing our fears to push us into a never-ending series of fearful actions. This suggested new action makes more sense the more we gain insight into our present notion of success; for if we look closely, we can see that contained right within it, although unseen at present, is the fear of failure. The real fear behind this idea of failing is our unconscious fear of losing our familiar, confident sense of self.
As long as what we think of as being our "success" in life harbors the secret fear of our self somehow being diminished by the loss of this same external source, then our sense of self does not belong to us. Under these conditions we are little more than unsuspecting victims subject to every vagrant wind of change that blows through the world of our enterprise... not a very pleasant or promising prospect, is it? Of course not. But it doesn't have to be this way. We can learn life's secret lessons about the nature of real success, and follow them all the way to the Real Life that is their source.
Guy Finley is one of today's brightest voices in the field of self-realization showing men and women everywhere how to find a life of freedom, enduring fulfillment, and true purpose. Director of the non-profit Life of Learning Foundation, Guy is the best-selling author of more than 30 books and audio albums on self-realization and higher success
Posted by
9:42 AM
Hope - A Necessity For A Successful Living
By Keji Giwa
Life - Question It!
If people say you can’t do it? Why and why not?
If people don’t believe in you, as long as you don’t believe them but believe in yourself and your abilities as a person, they'll soon come to believe you and believe in you.
Because no one can change the real you and if they watch carefully, over time, they will come to see how you increase in worth the more you believe in yourself.
Thomas Edison: Proven record of achievement in experiencing too many failed attempts. His success as an inventor was based on his ability to keep trying despite his many failed attempts. Today you have the light bulb and many other inventions because of his many failed attempts.
Abraham Lincoln: His autobiography is one that had failure written all over it. If failure was a degree, he would have graduated with a first class. Yet his many failed attempts led him to be the most successful and highly influential president America ever had.
The Wright Brothers: With no college degrees, these two brothers picked up the failed idea of a man who died as a result of implementing his idea and they ran with it. They had too many failed attempts as a result. It was like deliberately taking on the curse of another. Due to their tenacious and resilient attitude towards adversity and complicated issues, they finally succeeded. Today, their success enables you and I to fly all around the world in aeroplanes.
YOU:You have probably experienced a few or too many failed attempts. You are no different from the people mentioned above and the principle remains the same even with you. Success involves learning from our many failed attempts and using our experiences to keep us from making the same mistake twice. What keeps us going? HOPE. Hope is seeing what isn’t there as if it were there and working towards getting it there
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9:38 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007
Easy Ways to Improve your Confidence!
Author: Charles Ngo
Ask any girl what she wants in a man and chances are she’ll answer “Confidence!” (If she says money then nod, smile, and walk away slowly).Confidence is believing in your own abilities. It’s a trait that some people are born with. However if you don’t have it, the good news is that you can work on it. Overtime it will improve and people will think you’re a natural! Here are some ways you can start right away.
1. Set small goals and slowly achieve them.
In order to start believing in yourself, you have to be worthy of it. Write a list of small goals that you’ve always wanted to do, and starting doing them. I always wanted to start a blog giving dating advice for men. I broke it down into parts like choosing the domain name, writing a few articles, and designing the site a little bit. One by one I saw each goal completed, and replaced them with more challenging goals such as gaining traffic and building links. The point is I’m becoming more confident in my abilities because I know what I am capable of, and am pushing my limits to see how far I can go.
The key is to replace your goals with more difficult ones and achieve them. It’s easier to become President if you’ve already completed your goal of becoming Vice-President.
2. Don’t let negative comments affect you
I’m convinced that no one in this world really wants you to succeed except your Mom. People are critical and will make negative comments trying to slow you down. Realize you have a choice whether or not you want to be affected by it. Don’t sit there and feel sorry for yourself, you can control how you feel. If someone says that you’re too short to get girls, ignore them (and tell them to fuck off). Instead think about all the positive qualities you have, think about how it doesn’t matter, and just don’t let people bring you down.
3. Remember Past Successes.
I remember one time I was on a date and throughout the night my old habits kicked in and I started getting extremely nervous. I knew I continue the date like this, it’s not me. So I thought about all the girls I’ve been with in the past, some were even more beautiful and interesting than her. Once I remembered, I literally doubled my confidence level just using my mind. I opened up, joked more, and just became a funner guy. She later joked that it seemed like a had a shyness button on me and I just turned it off halfway through the date.
Remember the great things you have done in the past, and you will be confident that you can achieve even greater things.
4. Dress Nicer
Everybody has that certain outfit that makes them feel a little bit more confident. I know for me I always felt more confident wearing a tailored white dress shirt I always had, it fit like a dream. What I did then was go ahead and tailor all my shirts and only buy shirts that fit perfectly so I could have this feeling everyday.
I always try to look good everywhere I go. I’m not saying wear a tuxedo to the grocery store, but don’t go to there with a shirt with holes in it and pajamas. You never know who you’re goign to run into, but you’ll be ready if you look good!
5. Smile More
Studies surrounding what’s called the “facial feedback theory” suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to register certain emotions. If you just smile a little more then you’ll get more positive feelings.
Not only that but when you smile more, it’ll cause people to smile back at you. I know my confidence increases a little bit every time an attractive lady smiles at me back ;).
Building self-confidence can be a slow process. But when you start believing in yourself more than you will start getting the things you want easier and overall live a happier life.
Posted by
12:49 PM
5 Secrets From a Life Coach for a Happier Life
By Jeannette Samanen, Ph.D
In my work as a life coach, I find that there are five basic ingredients that lead to sustained happiness. Cultivate these deceptively simple behaviors and you will make your good life better.
1. Give and Receive Love
Your relationships are what nourish you the most, whether with family, friends or pets. Be kind to those around you. Be willing to give and receive support, encouragement, hugs. Make time for those you care about.
Research has shown that kindness to others provides more lasting satisfaction than having fun.
2. Do Meaningful Work
Meaningful work may be a job you care about, whether it’s work you get paid for, or taking care of your family. Meaningful work might be volunteering at a local hospital or teaching Sunday school.
Meaningful work can also be a hobby or interest you pursue, such as singing in a choir, collecting stamps or quilting.
Meaningful work gives purpose and joy to your life.
3. Nourish Your Body Properly
You need a healthy body to enjoy life. When you take the time to eat nutritious foods, you provide your body with what it needs to function properly.
You feel better when you eat with awareness. Stop eating when you are full. Listen to your body and choose the foods your body loves. These may be different from the foods you crave. Really notice how the foods you eat affect you and make your food choices accordingly.
Enjoy alcohol in moderation. Life is enhanced by a glass of wine with dinner or a couple of drinks with friends after work. If alcohol is creating problems in your life, it’s time to modify your drinking behavior.
4. Exercise and Rest
Watch a young child or a pet and you will notice vigorous activity immediately followed by rest. They run around like crazy and then conk out. We are hard-wired to do this. Make sure you get enough of both.
Exercise provides your body with the activity it needs to remain healthy. It also produces endorphins, those hormones that create a natural high.
Ample rest is as important as exercise. People who get sufficient sleep do better on every measure of physical and psychological health.
Take brief relaxation breaks throughout the day. You will return to work refreshed and better able to handle whatever challenges you face.
5. Cultivate a Practice of Reflection
Provide yourself with regular opportunity to reflect on your life. Take a walk during your lunch hour or turn off the radio in your car on the way home. Keep a daily journal or spend time in church focusing on the past week and the one ahead. Set up a regular appointment with a life coach.
This is time to take stock of what is working in your life and what you would like to see different and better. You will gain awareness that enables you to be more in control of your life.
Taking time for quiet reflection will also help you to calm and center yourself. This is a great way to manage the stress in your life.
You can think of these elements as a beautiful flower with five petals. When you practice all of them, you will definitely make your good life better!
Posted by
12:47 PM
When Positive Thinking Fails
Author: MF
Have you tried positive thinking, self talk, affirmations, read books on the power of suggestion, autosuggestion, watched "the secret" or taken courses on how to materialize your goals and are still waiting for results? If so, you may be positively surprised by what you're about to learn.
Research by leading universities in the field of cognitive and behavioral science proves the existence of so called “automatic thoughts”, i.e. thoughts that come to mind involuntarily and effortlessly as an automatic response to certain stimuli. These are the thoughts that ultimately determine whether you'll fail or succeed.
The average person processes over 60'000 separate thoughts per day, of which 90% occur subconsciously. Automatic thoughts are produced by our subconscious mind and continue to execute without the involvement of our conscious mind. Think about how many things you just do, day in day out, without even consciously thinking about it. These automatic thoughts are like mini computer programs in our subconscious minds. They automatically come into action as a response to stimuli in our environment.
While many automatic thoughts are positive, some of them can create undesirable limitations in terms of your ability to evolve and progress – you could call them “success blockers”. They simply prevent you from progressing or being successful in certain areas. Automatic thoughts determine your thought patterns, attitudes and behaviors. The reactions you then observe from your environment validate your thoughts.
A key observation is that certain “automatic thoughts” are triggered by many common belief patterns (schema) with groups of people who experience the same or similar challenges and limitations.
The first step in eliminating automatic thoughts that prevent you from being successful in a certain area is to determine the thought patterns that trigger success limiting thoughts, attitudes and behaviors.
The second step is to actively change these thought patterns (cognitive modification) and introduce cognitive patterns that have been observed to trigger positive results.
But how do you do that? Ask yourself, how many people you know who despite honest attempts to change their destiny
- lead unfulfilled or unsatisfying lives
- continue to struggle with money problems
- suffer from low self confidence and its unfortunate consequences
- are not satisfied with their work and simply show up day after day to collect a pay check at the end of the month
Why do these people continue to fail? In most cases it isn’t for lack of trying or good will. It’s because our brains are programmed to subconsciously react to certain stimuli in the form of predetermined (automatic) thoughts that guide our behaviors.
If the conscious mind tries to initiate a behavioral change that conflicts with the subconscious mind’s pre-programmed thought patterns, the subconscious mind always wins. In his famous book “Self Mastery through Conscious Autosuggestion” Dr. Emile Coue writes: “In the conflict between the will and the subconscious mind, the force of the subconscious mind is in direct ratio to the square of the will”, i.e. even if you're willing to change, you won't change unless you change the subconscious automatic thoughts.
Think of how many people you know fully understand that smoking is damaging to their health, and yet they continue to smoke. Or how many people know that eating excessively not only makes them feel unattractive but is also bad for their well being, and yet they continue to eat more than they should. There's clearly no lack of consciousness here, and yet, the behaviors persist. The latest statistics indicate that fewer than one in five people who follow a formal weight loss program actually succeed in loosing weight.
Why is the failure rate so high? Because despite all the good intentions the cognitive and associated behavioral patterns of these people remain unchanged and continue to produce the same old undesirable outcomes.
The only effective way to produce results is to re-condition your thought and behavioral patterns. In unscientific terms it could be compared to erasing old “success blocker programs” and installing new “success enabler programs” on your computer.
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”, Wayne Dyer
Posted by
12:38 PM